Jun 23, 2019

For every job applicant, one of the inevitable hurdles to scale in your search for a job is an interview. It is a formal meeting between employers and prospective employees to assess an applicant’s qualifications for a particular job. Usually, interviews are conducted as part of the process of identifying the best candidate for a position. It can be face-to-face or, in some cases, over the phone or through a video conference.

While it is possible to get some jobs without a formal interview, instances like this are rare, and even the most mundane of positions requires a formal meeting to assess the candidate’s ability before he or she is hired.

Some positions in big corporations might even require more than one stage of interviews with various HR teams to filter down and choose the right candidate

Why is an interview so important? Let’s examine a few reasons:

  1. The interview brings together both the employers and the job seekers, giving both parties the opportunity to meet and discuss the role.
  2. It provides an avenue for the employer to select the right person for the job.
  3. An interview helps the employer to gain additional information especially things that cannot be captured in the CV submitted.
  4. For the candidate, the interview allows him or her to learn more about the job and the hiring company. This will help them decide whether to accept or reject any offer of employment.

The interview is an important aspect of securing a dream job. It is a make or break moment and you must be highly prepared if you want to stand out.

The following are some of the things to keep in mind while preparing for an interview:

  1. Understand the job advert:As a jobseeker, it is important to have a good understanding of the job you are applying for; you need to know if your basic qualifications fit the job. You also need to know if any additional skills or a professional certification is required for that job. You should know all of these before you send in your application.
  2. Review your CV: After gaining a proper understanding of the job description, you should proceed to prepare your CV accordingly. A CV is a written document that contains the list of your qualifications, work experience and achievements as it relates to the job or position you are applying for.

    Your CV should also be updated regularly, especially when you acquire a new qualification or a new skill. This must be done before you apply for any job. If you have limited knowledge of how to write a winning CV, you research it online or employ professional services to have this done.

  3. Learn about the company: This is one of the most important aspects of preparing for a job interview. You need to research the company you are applying to; you should get as much knowledge about the company and the advertised position as possible. Information about the values of the organisation and their ideas, among other things. This detail is often readily available on a company’s website, or you could speak to employees of the organisation.

    You may also try to find out how employees are treated and how much their remuneration is. Knowing the company will reduce some stress on your part. It also pays to identify specific problems the company might have. Being ready with solutions to some of the company’s biggest problems, especially in the area you are applying for, will make you stand out in an interview. Although don’t go in there telling them how to run the company, as this will not be appreciated.

  4. Get everything ready for the interview:One of the things you need to do as you prepare for an interview is to get everything you need ready in good time. These include clothes, shoes, bags, all necessary documents. They should be ready and cross-checked the day before your interview rather than on the day, to ensure you don’t forget anything and end up running late. You may want to take a copy of your CV with you as you may be asked to submit another one during the interview. It is also important to ensure that you are neat and tidy for any interview.
  5. Rehearse for the interview: You should go through your research so that you don’t forget all you learned about the organisation. You could get a friend to help you with this. You should also review some possible interview questions and rehearse what your answers will be to these questions. You can check online for questions employers could ask during an interview and the best ways to answer them.
  6. Work on your confidence: Finally, on the day of the interview you will need to be as confident as possible. Employers don’t want to hire people who lack self-confidence. This can make all the difference, even when you are well prepared for the interview. You can try some confidence-boosting exercises and read up on some tricks to boost your confidence. 


By following all these steps diligently, you should be able to ace your interview. Also, don’t forget to follow up on your application. Some jobseekers skip this vital step in their interview process. Doing this is not out of place; it ensures that you are not missing out on anything. You could do this by sending an email to them a day or so after the interview.

The interview is an inevitable hurdle to cross to get the job you want, and adequate preparation will help you give it your best shot.

Good luck!

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