Oct 18, 2019

By now, you must have realised the hard-core truth that life isn’t a bed of roses; there’ll always be challenges and difficulties that will test your limit and stretch you.

Whether it is work, family, relationships, education or any other sphere of life, challenges are bound to occur. A great determinant to how these challenges can affect your life is your response to them. Your response would be largely based on your evaluated experience of previous challenges and whatever knowledge of self-improvement and personal growth you have.

Learning to improve and be a better individual will surely help you ease the stress associated with everyday living. However, improving yourself is a continuous and consistent effort that requires your input daily. It involves forming everyday habits that will help get you through every day.

1. Take responsibility for your actions:

This is arguably one of the first signs of maturity. There is almost always 10 other people you can put the blame on, but you do have to take some responsibility yourself. Don’t try to make excuses or wriggle your way out of it; be true to yourself. We all make mistakes when striving for perfection; no one knows it all. But owning up to your mistake is the first bold step in improving yourself and becoming a better you.

2. Stop procrastinating:

It is commonly said that procrastination is a thief of opportunities and it turns out this is indeed true. Do all that needs to be done today, if possible. Don’t postpone, even when you can. It might not be easy initially, but with time, you’ll learn and get better. Clean that fridge today, submit that proposal today and send that email today. Don’t postpone it until tomorrow simply because you can do it tomorrow. If you can do it today, why wait?

3. Set realistic goals:

When setting goals, you need to be realistic about what you can achieve. Write out attainable steps that can lead you towards the goal and make sure to check your progress daily. Don’t make them too big or too daunting that achieving them would be difficult.

4. Earn, save and spend:

Earning money is important but saving is even more important. Write out a budget and plan how much of your income you’d be saving or spending. Don’t give room to unexpected expense and let your expenses always be within the boundary of your budget. There is an intrinsic reward when you save; it’s like the way you feel when you just accomplished a task. Cultivate the habit of saving, even as you are earning and spending.

5. Manage your time:

Time is a scarce commodity that has no end but is still very limited. Time management is essential to improving your daily life. At the beginning of each day, make sure you outline how to spend the day and make time for each task or event, so that time isn’t wasted unnecessarily.

6. Socialise:

We are all social beings and we need each other. Don’t be a lone ranger, get out there and participate. Make new friends, go to a new environment and learn something new. Don’t isolate yourself; get involved with your peers and colleagues. Network and create memories, don’t be left out.

7. Settle your discontentment:

Every day is challenging, and each day has its own set of issues. Settle one before moving on to the next; do not let negative emotions pile up. Look inward and be honest with yourself about how you feel. Make peace with whatever lingering issues there might be that is stopping you from moving ahead. Always remember that it isn’t all about you, so don’t take things too personally.

8. Stimulate yourself:

Have an activity or a hobby that brightens your day and you are interested in. This differs for everyone, but this is basically something that eases your stress and keeps you relaxed and upbeat. It could be singing, reading, watching a movie, playing tennis, or just about anything that interests you and keeps you stimulated.

9. Personal development:

Learning is a continuous activity. There will always be something new to learn, and, as such, you should constantly be on the lookout to develop yourself. Read more books, listen to podcasts, search online for information, watch TED talks, attend conferences and be willing to take that extra step to improve yourself.

10. Face those fears:

Being fearful can be a big hindrance to improving yourself, so you have to learn to overcome those fears. Get help if necessary, but do not let your fears become a deterrent to improving yourself. Don’t push them aside, face them head-on and conquer them.

11. Exercise:

When you exercise, you release neurotransmitters known as endorphins. These are also known as happy hormones and they help in relieving stress and making you more alert. It could be a run or walk in the morning, playing basketball, or gym training. It helps you stay active and alert and, of course, it makes you feel good.

12. Get to bed early:

Nothing beats a well-rested night’s sleep. It energises for the days following, and you feel refreshed, alive and ready to take on any task. Have a consistent bedtime. Get into bed on time and to sleep on time. Some of the consequences of a bad night’s sleep include irritability, lack of concentration, forgetfulness and indecisiveness. Improve yourself every day by getting the right amount of sleep.


Set aside some time every day to follow these tips and you will see an improvement in everything you do. The more you do them, the easier they will become and will end up being second nature; creating a happier you!

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