Jul 08, 2019

It’s nothing new that technology is the future and its benefits just keep on making life better for us each day.  In whatever sphere of life or fields of endeavour you belong to, technology can make things easier and faster. As a student, for example, there are different apps and online tools that can be useful for study, assignments and research work. Online courses are one of these benefits. You don’t physically have to be present to earn your qualification/certificate. This and so much more is available just at the fingertips of every student with a technological device.

Here are a few tech tips that can be useful to you:

    1. Utilise your smartphone: These days almost everyone has a smartphone. In that small device lies the door to a vast wealth of information and knowledge that can be accessed right at your fingertips. If you don’t have any other technological device at all, you should at least get a smartphone. Research work and assignments can easily be done by reading up about it online. Whatever conceivable question already has an answer online, you just need to search. Also, you can improve on your spellings and grammar using different tools that can be found online. Your assignments can also be easily stored on your smartphone or your google cloud storage.
    2. Plan your activities with an online calendar: An online calendar can help keep track of your timetable and lets you know the free time you have for personal things. It will also help you in prioritising and time management. Your activities will then be in sync with study time.
    3. Use e-books: In the education sector today, there is almost no textbook that cannot be found online and downloaded. They are so much cheaper and easier to access than hard copy books. Plus, they can be transferred to other technological devices. There are also the different features of bookmarking, taking notes, highlighting and of course searching for keywords (the best luxury of all). Not to forget, it is extremely portable and saves you having to carry a hard copy.
    4. Don’t forget to back-up: This is one very important tip for students who have information on their technological devices. You can back-up your important data to cloud-based storage or you can purchase an external hard drive to serve as a back-up. Backing-up to cloud-based storage is more advisable because it can easily be accessed anywhere there is an internet connection. You could open an account with any of the different platforms that offer such services. The simplest option is your Google account which automatically offers cloud storage space to store vital documents//information.
    5. Watch online videos: There are so many videos online relating to different academic subjects. Watching some of these videos is another way to better maximise technology to your benefit as a student. A video will give you a visual picture of what you have been taught and give you much more insight into the subject matter. It will also help you as a student to enhance what you already know.
    6. Socialise: One of the best things about technology is how easy we can now socialise and network with people all over the world. You can also use your existing network better by creating online groups, forums and discussion platforms.
    7. Assignments and presentations: There was a time when you would have to spend hours at the library buried in heaps of books to find a single reference for an assignment. These days information is readily available at the click of a button. Assignments that would have required hours to complete can be finished in a short space of time thanks to technology. You can also spice up your presentations and improve your assignments using various technological tools. You can add different quality videos and pictures to your PowerPoint presentations to make them more attractive.
    8. Learn a skill or take an online course: There are so many opportunities available online. Digital marketing, graphics design, software programming and even cake baking are profitable skills that can be learned on the internet. Some of these courses come with special discounts for students and you could even get a certificate once you’ve completed the course. They are just as detailed and comprehensive as offline courses and afford you the convenience of learning at your own pace with several tools at your disposal.

These days, it is even possible to earn a degree entirely online. Besides your current course, you can also take an added online professional course in any field of your choice. This will open you up to more opportunities and it is a great way of maximising the internet as a student. Your time management skills would be put to test and you can still enjoy the benefits awarded to students while taking the online course.

  1. Security is vital: Despite the many positives of technology, it isn’t without its downsides. While interacting with various technological tools, you must learn how to keep yourself safe as well. Ensure that you have all the security measures in place on your devices.


Technology can be a great tool in the hands of anyone who can maximise it. Technology is a friendly ally for business, personal development, academics and pretty much every aspect of life. It is dynamic, which means you must learn to keep up if you want to get the best from various technological tools.

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